emancipation|emancipations in English


[e·man·ci·pa·tion || ɪ‚mænsɪ'peɪʃn]

liberation, freeing, release, deliverance from bondage

Use "emancipation|emancipations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "emancipation|emancipations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "emancipation|emancipations", or refer to the context using the word "emancipation|emancipations" in the English Dictionary.

1. Emancipation Park Conservancy …

2. Emancipation Park is managed and maintained by Emancipation Park Conservancy under contract with the City of Houston

3. They rejoiced over their own emancipation.

4. He predicted the Emancipation Proclamation would fail.

5. The emancipation of the Explanation of Abolitions

6. It's time for tonight's highlight, the slave emancipation!

7. On 1 January 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed Emancipation Proclamation.

8. The Emancipation Proclamation abolished slavery in the United States.

9. She showed her emancipation by piloting an aircraft.

10. His advocacy of Catholic emancipation courted defeat in 180

11. True political emancipation, for Bauer, requires the abolition of religion.

12. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation was read to the contrabands and free blacks there, for which the tree was named the Emancipation Oak.

13. African people is struggling arduously for their complete emancipation.

14. There was one significant qualification; emancipation was the ultimate objective.

15. The emancipation process of pariah began in the period of colony.

16. We must arouse them to fight for their own emancipation.

17. The long-term repercussions fully justify the significance attached to Emancipation.

18. As a side effect, the emancipation of women increased the labor market.

19. Tobacco advertising vehicles images for women featuring vitality, slimness, glamour, emancipation etc

20. 1863 – American Civil War: The Emancipation Proclamation takes effect in Confederate territory.

21. She became a spokesperson for the party, keen to promote women's emancipation.

22. He wrote the Emancipation Proclaimation and is credited with freeing the slaves.

23. The preliminary draft of the Emancipation Proclamation was only part of the trouble.

24. But he left no unequivocal evidence of why he personally felt Emancipation necessary.

25. By contrast, Ivy Pinchbeck argues that Capitalism created the conditions for women's emancipation